Rome benefits from proficiency in metalwork which gives the faction an economic boost and enhanced military development. Both ranks are supported by Equites, the roman cavalry.

Light armored Hastati man the front lines, followed by the older warriors in heavier armor called the Triarii that hold the rear. Rome is a militaristic faction in which they depend on their organized and disciplined military to hold their vast empire. It is recommended that new player start with a choice of Rome just to get a handle on how the game works. What with being the namesake of this game and al, it is only natural that Rome would be a playable faction within the game. Each faction will have different dilemmas to face on their road to world domination. These factions each bring different strengths to this new game, some focus on military might, while others focus on domination through political or commercial power. While many of these factions will seem familiar to those that played the first Total War: Rome, Creative Assembly has retooled them for a supposedly deeper form of gameplay. These factions include Greco-Roman, Barbarians, and Eastern cultures. The playable factions represents the key powers of the time period. This anticipated new addition is set to be released September 3, 2013. If you pre-order now, you can pick it up for £6.29.Total War: Rome II is Creative Assembly's latest edition to their Total War strategy games series. Total War: Rome II Desert Kingdoms DLC releases on March 8th. Deep-rooted Traditions: Penalty to research rate.Desert Warriors: Bonus to morale in desert battles and bonus income from agriculture.Each faction also has new building chains and technology trees, playing to their strengths and further differentiating their playstyles.Īlongside their individual Faction Traits, the Desert Kingdoms all share the following Cultural Traits: While culturally similar, each faction boasts unique new unit rosters which offer different strengths. Surviving these harsh environmental conditions has forged them into hardy warriors who use the shifting desert sands to their advantage in battle.

These factions are native to the deserts of Africa and Arabia. The kingdoms of Kush, Saba and Nabatea fall under the African/Arabian subculture, while the Masaesyli are of Numidian origin. The Desert Kingdoms Culture Pack four new playable factions. Females can also now “serve a social/political role while in other cultures, women can be generals and fight alongside men.” The DLC features female leaders, including Cleopatra, Teuta and a few more. The upcoming DLC, titled Desert Kingdoms, adds four new African/Middle Eastern factions. Total War: Rome II originally released back in 2013, and received numerous DLCs ever since. Creative Assembly’s Total War: Rome II is finally getting a new DLC.